Surprised the Circle staff by showing up for the monthly all staff meeting!! Such a warm and terrific time together sharing what God is doing to and through us. Funny thing to go through struggle and experience God's grace that we so easily blow past when life flows easy.
Circle staff have folks have not had a raise in 3 (or is it 4 years?). We have been hammered by the economy downturn, reducing expenses to the bone. Like so many others little has changed. Yet the spirit and ministry impact has absolutely never been greater as the staff have risen to the challenge. The stories shared in that meeting reflecting God at work was the best medicine I could have experienced.
2010 has been a year God has chosen to mold us, shape us, refine us. Circle too. We are all focusing together as a team/family like never before. Good stuff producing good fruit.
Each day I am also emerging with better understanding of cancer treatment and the various approaches. At this point it seems there are three possible paths (approaches, philosophizes) to follow. So now we are investigating as much as possible what lays down these paths in order to chose a direction.
The good news is that it seems possible to change insurance coverage from HMO to PPO which gives me greater options. THIS IS BIG AND AN ANSWER TO PRAYER.
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