Thursday, September 8, 2011

Radiation Update

Lonni and I had our radiation consult and here is my layman’s report:

In cases like mine where tumors are numerous it is not practical to treat them all as a course of eradication.  However, treatment can be effective for those tumors that are creating pain.  Therefore, in a few hours I shall return to the scene of the crime to be scanned, measured, aliened and tattooed (honestly) in prep for radiation treatments.

The treatments will be daily but the in and out time of only 20 to 30 minutes, total of 10 sessions in all.  They are optimistic that this will bring pain relief but cannot venture to say to what extent.  There is a standard answer, which I completely understand, to the specificity people like me want: “Well, everyone is different.” – got it – but I still going to ask.

I very much want this procedure ASAP as the situation has made me far too sedentary.  Meds help quite a bit but do not enable me to get around without pain (mainly the hip is a problem.)  

So we shall see and hopefully in 2 or 3 weeks things will be improved.  So to my millions and millions of followers out there  (My dark side wants to be Rush L) – I’ll keep you posted.  So to those who find it tedious to follow along I’ll include pictures – but only if I end up glowing in the dark.

When the radiation is done my chemo treatments will include several more drugs and, as I said before, the doc is optimistic that there will be reduction in tumor size and make this a manageable complication over the long haul.  This cancer springing up in new places is to be expected -- the doc doesn't to say that, but that is kinda my sense.

Thanks for caring!


1 comment:

  1. I just want you to know I am here, listening to you, holding you in my thoughts and prayers, waiting to see what the Big Guy has planned, knowing it is all part of a loving scheme that we can barely begin to grasp.

    I love you guys and reflect often on those amazing days of grace we shared many years ago, that still only seem like yesterday. I am praying you will be able to come to AZ to visit us at some point.

    Steve A.
